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PulseCharge Download] [crack]


Updated: Mar 12, 2020

About This Game PulseCharge is a 2D platforming game with an emphasis on speed and exploration.Absorb enemy attacks to charge up your own attacks! You must absorb, dodge and weave your way through intense gauntlets and defeat your evil self. Do you have the heart for such a challenge? What's in store: Intense levels that will test your platforming and speedrunning prowess. Soothing Soundtrack. Gamepad support, rebindable keys and resolution options. 1075eedd30 Title: PulseChargeGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Frozenmark GamesRelease Date: 27 Jan, 2016 PulseCharge Download] [crack] No tutorial, very poor mechanics, bad design, weak game concept. What a terrible game.. This game has an interesting mechanic that I've not seen before that's fun to use. My only complaint is that player movement feels way too slow, but the game is fun nonetheless.. Nifty concept, needs a lot more work to be a good game. https:\/\/\/k01vReSO8DIThe basic gist of this game is a platformer where you can absorb certain type of attacks and then immediately use this to blast through walls, fly to spots you can't reach normally, etc(this is your sole method of attack) and you unlock your other ability as you go (there's two unlocks but one of them is really not that important). You finish the level by attacking 3 different boxes to open the way to the exit portal-thing. The fist two boxes you attack will unlock double jump and a longer attack (the same attack but you travel further). The attack\/dash mechanic is pretty cool but the pacing of the game is pretty bad. This comes largely in part to level design, there simply isn't much to do within a level despite how large it is. The way most platformers deal with this is by constantly throwing enemies and obstacles at you. In this game you pretty much spend most of the time jumping into position, using your absorb ability to float and then fly where you need to once you get hit with an attack. The rather large tileset (tiles are the size of your character for the most part) added in with the fact that your attack is locked to 45 degree angles means that a lot of times you're just banging into corners because of slightly off positioning and that's the only real difficulty to the platforming.That is paired with rather slow movement most of the time and the fact that the levels open up into areas that end with you having encountered nothing. Literally just a waste of time to explore some places. The respawn system is strange. There are two blue heart pieces that you can collect which will let you respawn at checkpoints infinitely. Before you get both of those you will restart the level upon death. This creates a really weird contrast of hardcore one-shot platforming and ehh die as much as you want nobody cares (providing the respawn system doesn't bug out and restart the level anyway). This adds to how slow the game becomes because the game makes you go through the dull bits over and over whenever you die and by the time you can reach both respawn pieces you've more likely than not completed most of the level already anyway. This also makes half the checkpoints you can activate worthless since you wouldn't have the ability to respawn yet anyway. Maybe letting you smoothly (and quickly) restart on death like in meat boy would make it seem better, as it stands you have to sit through the whole death and restart sequence every time which gets aggravating really quickly. Maybe just give players the unlimited respawn as an easy mode and the restart on death the normal mode. Hell, even the traditional lives system would be better. Aesthetically the game has an interesting look to parts of it and some tiles look pretty well drawn. The problem is how slapdash the levels tend to look, it looks as if the level was designed and then bits of random tiles were thrown in everywhere to attempt to make the level look more varied post-design. Another issue with the tiles is that they don't connect well which is a big issue if you're going to make levels by connecting tiles together. Especially when the SAME kind of tile doesn't connect to itself well. Every once in a while you come across a random piece of art in a frame on a wall which I can only assume is something the dev drew as a hobby. I mean that's nice and all but...why is it in the game? There's no context or anything it literally just looks like they decided to throw in some art they made to show off for the hell of it. Overall: Cool concept to unlock your abilities as you go but it needs much more variety, better pacing, etc. Not Recommended.. Doing absolutely nothing is much more enjoyable than playing this game.. good for $0.25 cent game. u eat fire and destroy boxes.. It has potential to be a good game, but as of now it is not worth buying.


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